Eliza M Bergin


2 Oct 2000
27 Jul 2018
Room 1222, Isaacs Chambers,
555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, 3000
Call Foley’s on 03 9225 7777 to discuss availability

Eliza Bergin specialises in planning law and environmental law, land valuation, compulsory acquisition of land and public and administrative law.  Eliza offers more than 20 years of experience in these areas to her clients.

Eliza represents clients in the Federal and State Supreme Courts at trial and appellate level, in addition to tribunals, VCAT, Planning Panels Victoria and inquiries. She appears for public, non-government, individual and private sector clients.

Eliza assists clients with:

  • Planning and environmental matters including environmental impact assessment, merits review, planning scheme amendments, planning panels and advisory committees;
  • Regulatory enforcement and prosecution for planning offences, mining and mineral resources, environmental protection;
  • Built heritage and aboriginal cultural heritage;
  • Water law and claims for damages from flooding;
  • Judicial review in the Federal and State Supreme Court;
  • Land valuation, land tax and ratings disputes under the Valuation of Land Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1989;
  • Rights to compensation from planning reservations and compulsory acquisition of land including claims under the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 and Part 5 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987;
  • Common law litigation with a planning or environment aspect (trespass, nuisance);
  • Federal environmental law including greenhouse gas regulation;
  • Public and administrative law, including Inquiries, Royal Commissions and Migration Law;
  • Interlocutory disputes in commercial litigation including privilege, immunities, discovery and notices requesting compulsory production. 

Eliza is recommended by clients and peers in the publication The Best Lawyers in Australia™ (2022-2025).  

Eliza was appointed as a Counsel to Assist in the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality  and Safety (2019-2021).

Eliza was Associate to the Honorable Peter RA Gray of the Federal Court of Australia (2001-2002).

Eliza authors a podcast on the Environment Protection Act 2017 and is also a legal editor of the Victorian Planning Reports.

Download Eliza's Foley's List profile here.  A list of recent cases is available under the "Extended Biography" tab.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation 


Commercial Law
Environmental Law & Planning Law
Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions
Public Law & Administrative Law
Tax Law & Revenue Law

A.  Royal Commission

Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety

I was appointed Counsel to Assist the Royal Commission (January 2019 – February 2021). The CA team was led by Peter Gray QC (now Justice Gray of the Supreme Court of Victoria), Peter Rozen QC (now Judge Rozen of the County Court of Victoria) and Timothy McEvoy QC (now Justice McEvoy of the Federal Court of Australia). I assisted the Royal Commissioners The Hon Richard Tracey QC AM RFD (dec.), The Hon Tony Pagone AM QC and Lynelle Briggs AO. The CA team was instructed by the Office of Solicitors Assisting (Australian Government Solicitor).


B.  Land valuation and compulsory acquisition of land

Grand Ridge Plantations Pty Ltd v Valuer-General Victoria [2024] VSC 129

Land valuation.  Challenge to capital improved value of 60,000 Ha plantation forestry estate. Whether forest produce forms part of land for valuation purposes where land subject to forestry legislation. Appeal dismissed. Acting for Valuer-General. Led by David Batt KC.

Grand Ridge Plantations v Valuer-General Victoria  [2023] VCAT 1173

Land valuation. Extensions of time  to bring proceedings in VCAT in the context of a valuation dispute concerning a 60,000 Ha plantation forest in Gippsland operated by Hancock Victoria Plantations in the Supreme Court. Acting for Valuer-General.

S & JG Investments Pty Ltd v Valuer-General Victoria  [2023] VCAT 246

Land Valuation. Review of site value for The Argus. Question of Law concerning whether site value may be increased on review. Acting for Valuer-General. Led by Dr Charles Parkinson KC.

WSTI Properties 490 SKR Pty Ltd v Valuer-General Victoria  [2023] VCAT 734

Land valuation. Site value of heritage property in St Kilda Road. Acting for Valuer-General Victoria. Led by Adrian Finanzio KC. (On appeal)

Boulter v Valuer-General Victoria (Red Dot)  [2022] VCAT 305

Land Valuation. Site value, capital improved value and net annual value of a site in Lake Eildon. Larger Property. Acting for Valuer General Victoria. Unled.

Valuer-General Victoria v Ararat Wind Farm Prop Co 2 Pty Ltd & Ors [2021] VSCA 274 (Court of Appeal).

Land Valuation. Capital improved value for ratings purposes. Whether wind turbines are fixtures or chattels. Acting for Valuer-General. Led by Allan Myers QC in Court of Appeal and then by Timothy North QC.

Ararat Wind Farm Pty Ltd v Ararat Rural City Council and Valuer-General Victoria  [2020] VSC 853 (Supreme Court).

Land Valuation. Capital improved value for ratings purposes. Whether wind turbines are fixtures or chattels. Acting for Valuer-General.

C.  Planning

Strachan v LaTrobe City Council [2024] VCAT 541

Planning. Question of Law. Third party exemption from notice, decision and review rights under Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) and clause 52.29. Acting for the CFA.  Unled. 

Clifftop at Hepburn v Hepburn Shire Council [2024] VCAT 443

Planning.  Application for review of permit refusal for a glamping facility.  Land affected by a BMO and located in area of very high bushfire risk.  Acting for the CFA.  Unled. 

Peet Funds Pty Ltd v Wyndham City Council. (Advisory Committee)  [2023] PPV 45

Planning.  Application for amendment of a planning permit by Peet Funds concerning an application for removal of a prohibition against residential subdivision in a buffer area adjacent to a quarry.  Acting for Director of Mines.  Application withdrawn. Led by Marita Foley SC.

Clifftop at Hepburn v Hepburn Shire Council  [2023] VCAT 224

Planning. Admissibility of expert evidence. Acting for CFA. Unled.

Nota v Banyule City Council  [2022] VCAT 376 (Ex Tempore Judgment).

Planning. Application for review of decision to refuse to grant a permit. Acting for the developer. Unled.

City of Melton & Ors v Minister for Planning  [2022] VCAT 179

Planning. Solar Farm proposed in a Green Wedge Zone. Application of Local Policies with landscape protections. Acting for the Minister for Planning (Responsible Authority). Unled.

OTR 16 Pty Ltd & OTR 169 Pty Ltd v Mildura Rural City Council  [2019] VCAT 27

Planning. Application for review of decision to refuse to grant a planning permit for a proposed convenience store and service station ‘On The Run’ in Mildura. Acting for developer. Unled.

OTR 129 Pty Ltd & OTR 130 Pty Ltd v Horsham Rural City Council  [2018] VCAT 1778

Planning. Application for review of decision to refuse to grant a planning permit for a proposed convenience store and service station ‘On The Run’ in Horsham. Acting for developer. Unled.

Fishermans Bend Planning Review Panel (AC)  [2018] PPV 71 (Advisory Committee)

Planning.  Proposed Planning Scheme Amendment GC81 to Melbourne and Port Phillip Planning Schemes including 45 hearing days and 253 submitters raising various issues including social housing, public transport, roads, land use conflict. Acting for City of Melbourne. Led by Juliet Forsyth (now SC).

D.  Environment

Barro Group Pty Limited v Environment Protection Authority [2023] VCAT 297

Environment.  Applications for stay of a decision to revoke a landfill operating licence and for stay of proceedings under Environment Protection Act 2017. Concurrent criminal proceedings. Acting for EPA. Unled.

Paul de Ionno (Delegate of the Director of Mines) v Lucas Total Contract Solutions Pty Ltd  [2023] SAERDC 8

Environment.  Civil Penalty Proceedings concerning sand mining without an authorisation during construction of a wind farm at Lincoln Gap near Port Augusta. Environment, Resources and Development Court of South Australia. Acting for defendant. Unled.

Quiamong Securities Pty Ltd v Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change (Red Dot)  [2021] VCAT 1188

Environment. Disputed removal of a conservation covenant from land under Conservation Forests and Lands Act 1987. Acting for Minister for Environment. Unled.

Minister for the Environment v ACN Pty Ltd  [2020] FCA 1557 (Federal Court of Australia)

Environment.  Civil Penalty Proceeding concerning importation of synthetic greenhouse gas for use in fire protection equipment. Unled for defendant


E.  Public and administrative law

BUB17 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection  [2020] FCCA 204 (Federal Circuit Court of Australia)

Migration. Unled.


FCT17 v Minister for Immigration & Anor [2019] FCCA 1167 (Federal Circuit Court of Australia)

Migration. Unled. 


Xenophon v Secretary, Department of Defence  [2019] AAT 3667

Freedom of Information. Appeal regarding decision to refuse production of documents in reliance on exemptions of defence of the Commonwealth and international relations relating to proposed future submarine project. Unled. 

EOD17 v Minister for Home Affairs [2018] FCCA 3323. (Federal Circuit Court of Australia)

Migration. Interlocutory judgment on reinstatement. Unled. 


Fati v Minister for Home Affairs [2018] FCA 52 (Federal Court of Australia) 

Migration. Unled. 


F.  Commercial litigation

D & C Homes v Yang  [2018] SADC 36

Building and Construction. Appeal to a Judge of the District Court from orders of summary judgment by a Magistrate in a building and construction dispute


Commercial Litigation. Advising on a large commercial dispute including claims of oppressive conduct, breach of contracts and misrepresentations in the Supreme Court (2018). Led by Patrick O’Sullivan QC (now His Honour Justice O'Sullivan of the Federal Court of Australia). 


Commercial Litigation.  Advising on application of the anti-money laundering provisions of the Commonwealth (2018) 


Commercial Litigation. Appeal on a quantum meruit claim by an unlicensed builder in the Supreme Court (2018)


Aqua Max Water Filtration Solutions v Hurtado [2017] SASC 165

Appeal to a Judge of the Supreme Court from an interlocutory decision of a Magistrate to refuse a stay. Unled. 


Estate litigation for claimants under inheritance, wills and probates legislation in Supreme Court of South Australia (2017 – 2018). Settled. 


Commercial Litigation. Defending an application for a freezing order in the Supreme Court of South Australia (2017) 


Commercial Litigation.  Unfair preference claims in the Magistrates Court and Federal Circuit Court (2017, 2018) 




Eliza Bergin specialises in planning law and environmental law, land valuation, compulsory acquisition of land and public and administrative law.  Eliza offers more than 20 years of experience in these areas to her clients.

Eliza represents clients in the Federal and State Supreme Courts at trial and appellate level, in addition to tribunals, VCAT, Planning Panels Victoria and inquiries. She appears for public, non-government, individual and private sector clients.

Eliza assists clients with:

  • Planning and environmental matters including environmental impact assessment, merits review, planning scheme amendments, planning panels and advisory committees;
  • Regulatory enforcement and prosecution for planning offences, mining and mineral resources, environmental protection;
  • Built heritage and aboriginal cultural heritage;
  • Water law and claims for damages from flooding;
  • Judicial review in the Federal and State Supreme Court;
  • Land valuation, land tax and ratings disputes under the Valuation of Land Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1989;
  • Rights to compensation from planning reservations and compulsory acquisition of land including claims under the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 and Part 5 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987;
  • Common law litigation with a planning or environment aspect (trespass, nuisance);
  • Federal environmental law including greenhouse gas regulation;
  • Public and administrative law, including Inquiries, Royal Commissions and Migration Law;
  • Interlocutory disputes in commercial litigation including privilege, immunities, discovery and notices requesting compulsory production. 

Eliza is recommended by clients and peers in the publication The Best Lawyers in Australia™ (2022-2025).  

Eliza was appointed as a Counsel to Assist in the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality  and Safety (2019-2021).

Eliza was Associate to the Honorable Peter RA Gray of the Federal Court of Australia (2001-2002).

Eliza authors a podcast on the Environment Protection Act 2017 and is also a legal editor of the Victorian Planning Reports.

Download Eliza's Foley's List profile here.  A list of recent cases is available under the "Extended Biography" tab.

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation 

Committee Memberships

  • (Member) Innovation and Technology