Since its establishment in 1860, Foley’s List has been a pioneer in the provision of clerking services to members of the Victorian Bar.
The List prides itself on attracting the brightest legal minds from diverse backgrounds and with a broad range of legal experience.

Foley's List
Today, Foley’s List remains the most innovative and dynamic barristers’ group in Australia.
The List is managed by an experienced, energetic, and professional Clerking team. The Clerks and the List’s support staff have an unrivalled reputation for providing superior service and ensuring equal opportunity for all List Members.
As one of Australia's oldest Lists, over 300 barristers currently call Foley's List home. Being the first List to develop an Equal Opportunity policy, we are committed to being a supportive and open environment for barristers of all different backgrounds and experiences. With our emphasis on attracting Victoria's greatest legal minds, our membership is expanding, but not at the expense of our quality support.
Foley’s List is a member-owned barrister List with a competitive clerking commission.
Our Services
Foley’s Clerking Team
Foley’s List currently employs six clerks responsible for a barrister’s:
- Practice Management
- Professional Development
- Fee Negotiation
- Bookings & Schedule Management
With a combined 100+ years of experience in the legal industry, all clerks are well-rounded in their knowledge and expertise in supporting Barristers in all areas of law, so they are equipped to assist every member of the List.
They make it their business to follow each barrister’s career as it progresses.
Their familiarity with all members of the List makes them well equipped to recommend the best counsel to enquiring solicitors to ensure both that:
- Solicitors and client are recommended the most suitable barrister for their matter,
- All barristers have equal opportunity to be put forward when a matter related to their areas of specialty arises

Fees & Payments
Foley’s List has an experienced team of five account clerks to manage barristers’ end to end accounting matters. They assist in:
- Creating Fee Slips
- Processing Barristers Fees
- Fee Collection
- Process payments
- Credit control
- Providing weekly financial snapshots for each barrister
Foley’s List has a computerised accounting system and accepts payment in cash, cheque, electronic transfer, or credit card via BPay (if supported by the payer’s financial institution).

Mail, Printing & Admin
Foley’s List has the largest administrative team at the Victorian Bar.
Foley’s admin and reception staff pride themselves on providing professional, timely and courteous service to barristers, solicitors, and clients to ensure matters can run as smoothly as possible.
This includes:
- Delivery and collection of briefs
- Delivery of incoming mail & packages to chambers service
- Sending and receiving mail
- Printing and photocopying service
- Administration and memberships
- Appointments and travel arrangements

Foley’s List also has an in-house digital marketer to assist with promoting members and Foley’s events. They assist in facilitating opportunities of exposure for barristers through a variety of channels and events.
As a member of Foley’s List, you will have opportunity to promote your practice through:
- Think Foley’s CPD Podcast Series
- Networking Events
- CPD Seminars
- LinkedIn & Social Media Posts

Foley’s List has made significant investments in state-of-the-art booking and accounting technology to enable ‘same time’ update to members’ diary and financial records.
The List has pioneered clerking software and as such continues to be a leader in developing new and time-saving applications to assist List Members