Madeleine Sargent


10 Nov 2015
7 May 2020
Room Level 17, William Crockett Chambers,
Level 17 460 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne, 3000
Call Foley’s on 03 9225 7777 to discuss availability

Madeleine is an experienced advocate with a focussed practice on regulatory prosecutions. She has experience appearing for and advising the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office, WorkSafe, Victorian Building Authority, Environment Protection Authority and Victorian Fisheries Authority.

She also accepts briefs to appear and advise in all areas of criminal law, including coronial inquests, disciplinary tribunals, investigations and Royal Commissions. Madeleine appears in all jurisdictions; most commonly in County Court pleas, appeals, pre-trial argument and trials (both led and unled). 

Madeleine read with Elizabeth Ruddle KC. Her senior mentor was Judge Patrick M O'Shannessy SC.

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Criminal Law
Industrial Relations Law & Employment Law
Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions


Madeleine is an experienced advocate with a focussed practice on regulatory prosecutions. She has experience appearing for and advising the Victorian Government Solicitor's Office, WorkSafe, Victorian Building Authority, Environment Protection Authority and Victorian Fisheries Authority.

She also accepts briefs to appear and advise in all areas of criminal law, including coronial inquests, disciplinary tribunals, investigations and Royal Commissions. Madeleine appears in all jurisdictions; most commonly in County Court pleas, appeals, pre-trial argument and trials (both led and unled). 

Madeleine read with Elizabeth Ruddle KC. Her senior mentor was Judge Patrick M O'Shannessy SC.