Travis Brown


12 Feb 2019
2 May 2019
Niagara Lane Chambers,
Call Foley’s on 03 9225 7777 to discuss availability

Travis accepts instructions to appear in planning and environment law, including planning appeals, building disputes and enforcement proceedings.
Travis also accepts criminal, quasi-criminal, regulatory and intervention order briefs.
Throughout his time in practice, Travis has appeared in the Supreme, County and Magistrates' Courts, the Court of Appeal and VCAT.
Before being called to the bar, Travis was Associate to His Honour Judge Bill Stuart of the County Court. 
Travis is a member of VPELA and the Criminal Bar Association.
Prior to his career in law, Travis owned and operated a bookshop.
Travis read with Ashley Halphen. His Senior Mentor is Pat Tehan KC.

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Common Law
Criminal Law
Environmental Law & Planning Law
Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions


Travis accepts instructions to appear in planning and environment law, including planning appeals, building disputes and enforcement proceedings.
Travis also accepts criminal, quasi-criminal, regulatory and intervention order briefs.
Throughout his time in practice, Travis has appeared in the Supreme, County and Magistrates' Courts, the Court of Appeal and VCAT.
Before being called to the bar, Travis was Associate to His Honour Judge Bill Stuart of the County Court. 
Travis is a member of VPELA and the Criminal Bar Association.
Prior to his career in law, Travis owned and operated a bookshop.
Travis read with Ashley Halphen. His Senior Mentor is Pat Tehan KC.