Barrister Information


Amanda is available for both appearance and advice work.  She primarily accepts briefs in coronial inquests, in regulatory, disciplinary and public law matters, and in criminal appeals. 

Inquests and inquiries

Between 2022 and 2024, Amanda appeared for the Northern Territory Police Force in the Inquest into the Death of Kumanjayi Walker, which led to superior court litigation on the application of the penalty privilege for witnesses in Northern Territory coronial proceedings (Rolfe v Territory Coroner [2023] NTCA 8). She has also appeared in Victoria in the Inquest into the death of Ayen Chol and the Inquest into the death of Kelly Ann Thompson. 

Regulatory and Disciplinary Matters 

Amanda regularly accepts briefs from the Environment Protection Authority Victoria. She has also been briefed by the Victorian Legal Services Board to prosecute regulatory offences. She has experience in occupational health and safety proceedings and in professional misconduct proceedings (Medical Board of Australia v GMZ (Review and Regulation) [2023] VCAT 1308). 

Criminal Law

Amanda appears both led and unled in appeals. Recent COA matters include Rhodes (a pseudonym) v The King [2024] VSCA 15, DPP v Allen [2020] VSCA 292, Turney v The Queen [2020] VSCA 131 and Sam v The Queen [2019] VSCA 180. Amanda is also an experienced jury trial advocate and appears in matters relating to homicide, driving, drugs and fraud offences.

Amanda appears in proceeds of crime matters and proceedings pursuant to the Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness To Be Tried) Act 1997 and the Serious Offenders Act 2018.  Amanda holds a Victorian Bar Indictable Crime Certificate and is a Victoria Legal Aid Criminal Trial Preferred Barrister. 

Continuing Professional Development

Amanda regularly delivers training and CPD sessions to fellow barristers and instructing solicitors. She has coordinated two conferences and chaired multiple CPD seminars for the Criminal Bar Association. Amanda also teaches a session to Victorian Bar Readers. 

Memberships and Professional Associations

Amanda is a member of Crockett Chambers and is on Foley’s List, where she is an elected member of the List Committee. Amanda has contributed to the Foley's publications A Defence Practitioner's Guide to Criminal Law (2023) and Crime and Defence(2016).

Amanda previously served as an elected committee member of the Criminal Bar Association. Amanda has also served on the Victorian Bar’s Student Engagement Committee, the Magistrates’ Court Criminal Court User Group, and the Victorian Custody Reference Group.

Amanda has had two readers, Thea Casey and Sam Jayasekara.


Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation. The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.


21 Apr 2009


01 May 2014

Areas of Expertise

    Inquests Inquiries 2 Areas

    • Commissions or Tribunals and Other Inquiries
    • Coronial Inquests

    Public Administrative 5 Areas

    • Compliance and Investigations
    • Corruption
    • Disciplinary Proceedings
    • Health and Medical
    • Public Administrative Appellate

    Appellate 1 Areas

    • Criminal Appeals

    Criminal 4 Areas

    • Criminal Appellate
    • Environmental and Planning Offences
    • White Collar and Corporate Crime
    • Work Health and Safety - Criminal

    Government 3 Areas

    • Food Industry Regulation
    • Gaming Industry Regulation
    • Industry Regulations

    Industrial Employment 1 Areas

    • Work Health and Safety

To Engage With Amanda Burnnard
Call us on 03 9225 7777 or Enquire Below