Foley's List Barrister

Barrister Information
Anna Forsyth specialises in employment law and in industrial relations. She also has broader experience in administrative and public law, with particular expertise in discrimination and human rights law.
Anna’s employment law practice involves advice and advocacy in a broad range of matters, although she has particular skill in employment issues as they arise in the health services sector. Anna is regularly briefed to act for large hospitals as well as for community based rehabilitation and aged care providers.
Her industrial relations work has most recently involved a just completed two-year junior brief to Steven Moore QC in the penalty rates case as part of the Four Yearly Review of Modern Awards. Anna also acts in enterprise bargaining and other workplace disputes and has particular skill in matters concerning the proper interpretation of industrial instruments.
Since coming to the Bar, Anna has been briefed as junior to Alexandra Richards QC, Debbie Mortimer SC (Her Honour Justice Mortimer), Dr Ian Freckelton QC, Rachel Doyle SC, Warren Friend QC and Steven Moore QC.Professional Background
Anna completed the final semester of her LLB in French at the Université Jean Moulin in Lyon, returning to Melbourne in 2002 to complete her articles with Deacons (Norton Rose).
Having practised law in the corporate, government and community sectors, Anna came to the Bar immediately following employment with the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission from 2007-2009.
Cases of Interest
A sample of cases in which Anna has appeared is as follows:
VCAT/Court of Appeal
Aitken & Ors v The State of Victoria – Department of Education & Early Childhood Development (Anti-Discrimination) [2012] VCAT 1547 (18 October 2012)
Aitken & Ors v State of Victoria [2013] VSCA 28 (22 February 2013)
Federal Court
Rowland v Alfred Health [2014] FCA 2 (15 January 2014)
Federal Circuit Court
Fair Work Ombudsman v Grandcity (GW) Travel & Tour Pty Ltd [2015] FCCA 1759
Kubat v Northern Health [2015] FCCA 3050 (17 November 2015)
Fair Work Commission
Mini Joseph v Plenty Valley Community Health Ltd (U2014/10943), 6 August 2015
Professional Memberships
Industrial Bar Association
Published Articles and Papers
"Legislative Overreach: Employers and employees bullied into a corner?", Employment Law Bulletin (Vol 20, No 2, March 2014)
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation. The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.
31 Mar 2003
19 Nov 2009
Areas of Expertise
- Civil and Human Rights
- Discrimination
- Judicial Review and Administrative Law
- Merits Review
- Employment Contracts and Restraint of Trade
- Industrial Disputes and Statutory Employment Rights
- Industrial Employment Discrimination
- Work Health and Safety