Barrister Information


David Brustman KC was admitted in 1974 and has practised at the Bar for almost half a century. Despite this, he has retained a sense of humour and is not senile.

David is an experienced advocate practising in all areas of criminal law. His main field is the conduct of jury trials, in particular homicide cases in the Supreme Courts of various States and Territories. 

He was the Bar invitee to the Victorian Law Reform Commission review of the law of homicide in 2004 and was elected to the Bar Council in 1988-9.

He has appeared in many notable criminal matters in Victoria, Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory for both Defence and Crown.

In former years, he appeared often in the Family Court of Australia and will accept briefs  only in final, contested hearings in that Court.  

David is an active pilot of  55 years and appears and advises in various Courts and tribunals in aviation related matters, civil, regulatory and criminal.

If asked nicely, he will play jazz or blues piano reflecting his former less-than-successful part time career. This has nothing to do with the practice of law but is much more fun.  

He does not list cases in which he has appeared as his late mother would disapprove. He agrees.  Besides which, there is only so much abuse the word "complex" can suffer.  (If you don't understand the last sentence, please feel free to ring but only during office hours)


The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.


01 Nov 1974


13 Feb 1975


24 Nov 2009

Areas of Expertise

    Appellate 1 Areas

    • Appellate

    Family Law and Guardianship 3 Areas

    • Care and Protection
    • Parenting Orders
    • Property

    Inquests Inquiries 1 Areas

    • Coronial Inquests

    Criminal 2 Areas

    • Crimes Against the Person
    • Criminal Appellate

    Public Administrative 1 Areas

    • Proceeds of Crime

    Commercial 1 Areas

    • Transport Law: Admiralty or Aviation or Maritime

To Engage With David Brustman KC
Call us on 03 9225 7777 or Enquire Below