Barrister Information


Huw accepts briefs in all areas of law. The focus of his practice is on commercial and public law. He was previously a solicitor at MinterEllison and an associate to Justice Moshinsky of the Federal Court.

Huw's experience at the Bar includes the following:

Commercial disputes

  • Li Xu v Salter Brothers Asset Management Pty Ltd — Federal Court of Australia — misleading or deceptive conduct; unconscionable conduct; breach of contract — counsel for Salter Brothers led by James W S Peters AM KC (briefed by MinterEllison).
  • El Zain v Vitrafy Life Sciences Ltd [2022] VSC 79 — Supreme Court of Victoria — breach of contract; specific performance — counsel for Vitrafy led by David Batt KC (briefed by MinterEllison).
  • FX Group Holdings Pty Ltd v Perpetual Trustee Company Ltd — Supreme Court of New South Wales — unilateral mistake; breach of fiduciary duties; misleading or deceptive conduct; breach of contract — counsel for FX Group Holdings led by Peter Brereton SC and Catherine Hamilton-Jewell (briefed by MinterEllison).
  • BAL Container Line Ltd v JPC Pty Ltd — Federal Court of Australia — agency; breach of fiduciary duties; breach of contract — counsel for JPC led by Nick Hopkins KC (briefed by MinterEllison).
  • Orica Investments Pty Ltd v Aurelius Marvel One Ltd [2023] VSC 18 — Supreme Court of Victoria — stay application; expert-determination clause — counsel for Aurelius led by Hamish Austin KC (briefed by Baker McKenzie).
  • Cromwell Corporation Ltd v ARA Real Estate Investors XXI Pte Ltd [2020] FCA 1492 — Federal Court of Australia — preliminary discovery application; s 606 of the Corporations Act  — counsel for Cromwell led by David Batt KC and Kathleen Foley SC (briefed by MinterEllison).
  • Re United Almonds Ltd — Supreme Court of Victoria — application by a trustee for judicial advice — counsel for United Almonds Ltd led by Robert Craig KC (briefed by Gadens).
  • In the matter of i-Prosperity Pty Ltd (in liq)  — liquidators' examinations led by Stewart Maiden KC (briefed by Allens).
  • Bujega v PostSuper — County Court — breach of trust — counsel for PostSuper (unled) (briefed by Allens).

Class actions

Regulatory proceedings

  • ACCC v Qantas Airways Ltd — Federal Court of Australia — counsel for Qantas led by Ruth Higgins SC, Robert Yezerski SC, Kane Loxley and Andrew Barraclough (briefed by Johnson Winter Slattery).
  • AUSTRAC v Crown Melbourne Ltd — Federal Court of Australia — counsel for Crown Melbourne and Crown Perth led by Philip Crutchfield KC, Wendy Harris KC, and Kane Loxley (briefed by Allens).
  • ACCC v Australasian Food Group Pty Ltd [2022] FCA 308 — Federal Court of Australia — exclusive dealing — counsel for Australasian Food Group led by Dr Ruth Higgins SC and Andrew Barraclough (briefed by Allens).
  • ASIC v Helou (No 2) [2020] FCA 1650 — Federal Court of Australia — accessorial liability in respect of continuous disclosure contraventions — counsel for former CFO of Murray Goulburn led by Robert Craig KC (briefed by MinterEllison).
  • Various investigations and disciplinary proceedings by State regulators, including the Victorian Gambling and Casino Control Commission and Liquor and Gaming NSW.


Royal Commissions and other public inquiries



09 Dec 2014


02 May 2019

The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.

Areas of Expertise

Commercial Law


Public Law & Administrative Law

Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions

To Engage With Huw Whitwell
Call us on 03 9225 7777 or Enquire Below