Barrister Information


Marissa Chorn specialises in planning and environment law and compulsory land acquisition.

In her planning practice she appears regularly (both led and unled) in the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in a range of matters arising under the Planning and Environment Act 1987. She is also experienced in appearing in Planning Panels and Advisory Committee hearings and before the Heritage Council.

In her compulsory land acquisition practice Marissa acts on behalf of both landowners/claimants and acquiring authorities on major land acquisitions, in both the Supreme Court of Victoria and Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Marissa was Senior Associate to the Honourable Justice Emerton (now President of the Court of Appeal of the Supreme Court of Victoria). Prior to her associateship, Marissa was a solicitor in the administrative law team of the Victorian Government Solicitor’s Office.

Marissa holds a Masters of Law from the New York University as well as a Bachelor of Arts and Law (with Honours) from the University of New South Wales. She is also a member of the Women Barristers Association.

Select recent (and ongoing) matters in which Marissa has been briefed can be found below.












Compulsory land acquisition/loss on sale matters (recent and ongoing)

 On retainer for the acquiring authority in respect of the Western Grassland Reserves scheme of acquisitions (variously led by Lisa Hannon KC and Marita Foley SC)

Acting for an acquiring authority in respect of a loss on sale claim pursuant to ss 98 and 106 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (led by Marita Foley SC)

Advice to both acquiring authorities and claimants in relation to the application of s 43(1)(a) of the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 in respect of various major acquisitions (variously led by Lisa Hannon KC and unled)

Acting for claimants in relation to acquisitions for the Metro Tunnel Project, the Suburban Rail Loop and other state government projects (unled)

Advice to acquiring authorities in relation to the management of historical acquisitions (unled)

 Planning Panels/Advisory Committee hearings

Viva Energy Gas Terminal Project Supplementary EES Inquiry and Advisory Committee (2024)
Proposed gas import terminal - for the Environment Protection Authority (unled)

Distinctive Areas and Landscapes Standing Advisory Committee – Referral No 2 (Bellarine) (AC) [2022] PPV 41 (8 July 2022) (for the proponent; Minister for Planning) (led by Jason Pizer KC)

 Distinctive Areas and Landscapes Standing Advisory Committee – Referral No 1 (Surf Coast) (AC) [2021] PPV 47 (25 June 2021) (for the proponent; Minister for Planning) led by Marita Foley SC)

C407melb Arden Structure Plan [2022] PPV 24 (led by Simon Molesworth KC)

Yarra C245 (PSA) [2020] PPV 38 (26 May 2020) (led by Paul Connor KC)

Heritage Council

 No. 2 Goods Shed, 733 Bourke Street and 707 Collins St Docklands, Melbourne City (P35475) (November 2023)
(called in by the Minister under s 109(a) of the Heritage Act 2017 (Vic) on 17 November 2023) (led by Emily Porter SC)


Proceedings in respect of decisions under Planning and Environment Act 1987

ESG Lysterfield Pty Ltd v Yarra Ranges SC [2024] VCAT 487
Preliminary hearing about characterisation of land use; disposal of clean fill in a GWZ

Caulfield Park Association Inc v Glen Eira CC [2024] VCAT 449
Proposed roof over an existing bowling green; response to planning policy; visual amenity

Bass Coast SC v James Barry Investments Pty Ltd [2024] VCAT 53
Permit amendment application; subdivision

Hargreaves Hill Brewing Company Pty Ltd v Yarra Ranges SC [2023] VCAT 1360

Transformation of a proposal; manufacturing sales ancillary to existing micro-brewery land use

Matthies Property Investments Pty Ltd v Mornington Peninsula SC (corrected) [2022] VCAT 535
Residential aged care facility (led by Joanne Lardner)

 Viva Energy Australia v Greater Geelong CC (Red Dot) [2022] VCAT 326
Summary dismissal application; pipeline case; s 82 review where third party notice and review exemptions are in effect for some but not all of the permissions sought (led by Paul Connor KC)

Goldfields House Pty Ltd v Stonnington CC [2021] VCAT 825
Rooftop bar; amenity impacts; acoustics (led by Paul Connor KC)

Moda Armadale v Stonnington CC [2018] VCAT 1581
Multi-storey mixed use development; amenity impacts; urban design (led by Susan Brennan SC)

Inquiries and other

 Briefed to prepare state witnesses for the Parliamentary Inquiry into the 2022 flood event in Victoria






Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation. The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.


27 Apr 2011


05 May 2016

Areas of Expertise

    Inquests Inquiries 1 Areas

    • Commissions or Tribunals and Other Inquiries

    Environment and Planning 5 Areas

    • Compulsory Acquisition of Land and Compensation
    • Environment and Planning Appellate
    • Local Government
    • Merit Appeals
    • Valuation of Land - Rating and Taxing Appeals

    Criminal 1 Areas

    • Environmental and Planning Offences


To Engage With Marissa Chorn
Call us on 03 9225 7777 or Enquire Below