Foley's List Barrister

Barrister Information
Robert Paoletti practises in civil litigation, and has particular experience in personal injuries and insurance law.
Before coming to the Bar, Robert was a Senior Associate at Thomson Geer Lawyers (formerly Herbert Geer Lawyers), representing corporate and Government clients in a broad range of accident compensation disputes. Prior to that, he had commenced his legal career at Nowicki Carbone Lawyers, representing personal injuries claimants in a variety of matters, including WorkSafe and TAC claims.
Robert has extensive experience in the Supreme Court, County Court, Magistrates’ Court and VCAT, and has litigated matters ranging from small-scale Magistrates’ Court and VCAT disputes to multi-defendant damages trials in the Supreme Court.
Having acted on behalf of both Plaintiffs and Defendants, Robert has gained a well-rounded insight into the various aspects of the litigation process and has been afforded the opportunity to litigate disputes from very different perspectives.
Robert also has experience in Coronial Inquests, having acted as Counsel Assisting the Coroner.
Robert attained a Bachelor of Laws with Honours and a Bachelor of Creative Arts at the University of Melbourne in 2010 and was awarded the TAC Prize for Advocacy in 2008.
He read with Ian McDonald SC, and his senior mentor was Danny Masel SC.
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27 Apr 2011
04 May 2017
Areas of Expertise
- Coronial Inquests
- Workers Compensation