Barrister Information


After several years experience in the Education and Law Enforcement sectors, Stephen Dewberry was admitted to practice in Victoria in 1986.

Stephen then practised as a solicitor in both private general practice and also in the public sector before signing the Bar Roll in Victoria in 1988.

In summary, Stephen has very extensive and broad experience, particularly but not exclusively in ‘Criminal Practice’ – including appearing the Magistrates’ Court Jurisdiction in several States, the Children’s Court Jurisdiction, VCAT, VOCAT and Superior Courts, including interstate.

More specifically, Stephen has: 

  • Extensive experience appearing in Magistrates’ Court Criminal and Motor Traffic matters in several States.  Stephen’s experience in the Magistrates’ Court Jurisdiction has included Pleas, ‘Contest Mentions’, Contested Hearings, Committals, Inquests, some Civil cases and extensive experience in Family Violence/Stalking cases.  (Stephen’s experience in Motor Traffic cases, over decades, has included Contested Drink Driving matters – both in Prosecution and Defence roles.)
  • Over recent years, taken a particular interest in the specialist Mental Health and Drug Court Programmes within the Magistrates’ Court Jurisdiction – especially the 'Assessment and Referral Court’ (ARC) List, where Stephen has successfully assisted the client/participant throughout the process.
  • Appeared in Children’s Court matters including the Contested Hearings of Serious Criminal matters.
  • Represented clients in VCAT matters, Disciplinary Tribunal matters and VOCAT (Crimes Compensation) matters.
  • Extensive experience over many years, being briefed in a wide variety of matters in Regional Magistrates’ Courts and Children’s Courts in the Criminal, Civil, Crimes Family Violence, Family and Child Protection Jurisdictions of those Courts. 
  • Significant experience over many years, appearing in Appeals from the Magistrates’ and Children’s Court Jurisdictions both as Prosecuting Counsel and Defence Counsel.
  • Extensive experience over many years, appearing in [a broad range of] Criminal Jury Trials in Melbourne and Regional Centres in a broad range of Criminal Trials - both as prosecuting Counsel and Defence Counsel.
  • Some experience at ‘the intersection of Administrative Law and Criminal Law’.  (In one case, over several years, Stephen challenged the right of a Government Departmental Officer to prosecute Criminal matters. The matter caused several Legislative changes and was extensively involved in Supreme Court and Court of Appeal hearings before being resolved once an aspect of the issue was lodged in the High Court.)
  • Represented several Government Departments/Authorities in various Prosecution and Regulatory matters.
  • Experience in Occupational Health and Safety (Workcover) and Fair Trading matters.
  • Represented clients in proceedings involving (and Appeals against) Regulatory Authorities, including VicRoads, having suspended/canceled various types specialist occupational licences/permits.

Stephen is prepared to accept briefs in any of these areas.


29 Sept 1986


26 May 1988

The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.

Areas of Expertise

Criminal Law 3 Areas

  • Proceeds of Crime
  • Appellate
  • Crimes Against the Person

Commercial Law

Public Law & Administrative Law 2 Areas

  • Judicial Review
  • Disciplinary Proceedings

Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions

To Engage With Stephen Dewberry
Call us on 03 9225 7777 or Enquire Below