Family Law

'Going' To Court - Not What It Used To Be!

The introduction of new discrete lists, hearings in front of Registrars and tips and tricks for drafting and preparation in an electronic era in the Family Law Courts.

This zoom session presented by Alex Metherell and Nonni Sdraulig discusses how hearings in the Family Law Courts have evolved recently including the introduction of new listing practices and lists, such as the discrete property and contravention lists. How to prepare for hearings in front of Registrars instead of Judges including a discussion about Registrars powers and the impact that COVID-19 pandemic has had on face-to-face hearings in the Court system.

It provides solicitors with practical advice and tips and tricks about how to best to prepare for electronic hearings in both parenting and property applications. Together with a more general discussion about how to prepare clients for electronic hearings before Registrars in the Family Law Courts.