Barrister's Clerk

Anna Barry


03 9225 7658


0497 333 213


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Anna has been with Foley’s since 2016 and brings with her a wealth of experience to the team. As a Barristers’ Clerk, she prides herself in having an ever-optimistic outlook and enthusiasm in providing excellent service to Barristers, Solicitors and all those she encounters in the legal community.

With over a decade of experience within the legal industry, Anna possesses an innate understanding of the complexity of relationships and matters that arise at the Bar. She obtains great career satisfaction in assisting Barristers in all stages of their career and is always honoured to see those excel in their chosen field.

Prior to Foley’s, Anna worked as registrar at the Magistrates’ Court in various locations around the state. Her extensive experience provided her a wide-ranging knowledge in Court operations and multiple jurisdictions. She also has a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice Administration.

In addition to her work, Anna is kept busy with family-life, her son Max as well as the newest addition to her family (Name TBA, Watch this space!). When she has the time, Anna is a fan of all musicals and enjoys cheering on the Melbourne Football Club.