Barrister Information


Eliza Bergin specialises in planning law and environmental law, land valuation, compulsory acquisition of land and public and administrative law.  Eliza offers more than 20 years of experience in these areas to her clients.

Eliza represents clients in the Federal and State Supreme Courts at trial and appellate level, in addition to tribunals, VCAT, Planning Panels Victoria and inquiries. She appears for public, non-government, individual and private sector clients.

Eliza assists clients with:

  • Planning and environmental matters including environmental impact assessment, merits review, planning scheme amendments, planning panels and advisory committees;
  • Regulatory enforcement and prosecution for planning offences, mining and mineral resources, environmental protection;
  • Built heritage and aboriginal cultural heritage;
  • Water law and claims for damages from flooding;
  • Judicial review in the Federal and State Supreme Court;
  • Land valuation, land tax and ratings disputes under the Valuation of Land Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1989;
  • Rights to compensation from planning reservations and compulsory acquisition of land including claims under the Land Acquisition and Compensation Act 1986 and Part 5 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987;
  • Common law litigation with a planning or environment aspect (trespass, nuisance);
  • Federal environmental law including greenhouse gas regulation;
  • Public and administrative law, including Inquiries, Royal Commissions and Migration Law;
  • Interlocutory disputes in commercial litigation including privilege, immunities, discovery and notices requesting compulsory production. 

Eliza is recommended by clients and peers in the publication The Best Lawyers in Australia™(2022-2025).  

Eliza was appointed as a Counsel to Assist in the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality  and Safety (2019-2021).

Eliza was Associate to the Honorable Peter RA Gray of the Federal Court of Australia (2001-2002).

Eliza authors a podcast on the Environment Protection Act 2017 and is also a legal editor of the Victorian Planning Reports.

Download Eliza's Foley's List profile here.  

Liability limited by a Scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation 


02 Oct 2000


27 July 2018

The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.

Areas of Expertise

Commercial Law 1 Areas

  • Property & Probate

Tax Law & Revenue Law 1 Areas

  • Land Tax


Public Law & Administrative Law 6 Areas

  • Judicial Review
  • Health & Medical
  • Human Rights Law
  • Merits Review
  • Migration Law
  • Compliance & Investigations

Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions 2 Areas

  • Royal Commissions
  • Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)

Environmental Law & Planning Law 8 Areas

  • Restrictive Covenants
  • Sewage & Drainage
  • Town Planning
  • Water
  • Civil Enforcement
  • Merit Appeals
  • Planning Offences
  • Mining


CPD Resources

Podcasts & Papers

To Engage With Eliza Bergin
Call us on 03 9225 7777 or Enquire Below