CPD Resources

With a history spanning over a century, Foley’s List has cemented itself as the largest Barrister List in Australia with one of the most renowned reputations for service excellence and pioneering spirit. All our CPD resources are free of charge. 

Think Foley’s CPD Podcasts

Foley’s is proud to be the FIRST List to provide CPD seminars via our free CPD Podcast - Think Foley’s.
In March 2020, we launched with an assortment of CPD resource topics available on major podcast hosting platforms with free supporting documentation. We will regularly update our podcast by releasing new episodes so be sure to subscribe to our Think Foley’s podcasts.

Select Resource Category

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)
Commercial Law
Common Law
Criminal Law
Energy Law & Resources Law
Environmental Law & Planning Law
Equity & Trusts
Family Law
Industrial Relations & Employment Law
Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions
International Law
Public Law & Administrative Law
Taxation Law & Revenue Law
Technology Law & Media Law
Latest videos are displayed below. Please select a resource category to view more videos.

Crime & Defence | by Richard F Edney

Download PDF  (1,909.47 MB)

Commercial Law Conference [Papers] | by

  ( for 258.34 MB)

Current Tax Issues for Trusts | by Mark Gioskos

Download Video  (1,030.99 MB)

Advising Clients in Financial Distress | by Joshua Kohn

Download Video  (1,030.99 MB)