William Phillips


16 Sep 2013
20 Oct 2022
Koiki Mabo Chambers,
66-68 Dudley Street, West Melbourne, 3003
Call Foley’s on 03 9225 7777 to discuss availability

William practices primarily in public and commercial law. He has a particular interest in regulatory law, judicial review, migration law, anti-discrimination law, tort and general commercial matters.

William holds a current Australian Government Baseline security clearance.

Before coming to the Bar, William was a lawyer in the Civil Regulation Team at the Australian Government Solicitor, where he worked on a number of complex regulatory investigations and litigation concerning financial services, competition, consumer protection and anti-money laundering laws. Prior to that he was an Associate at Lipman Karas and the Associate to the Hon Justice David Peek KC in the Supreme Court of South Australia.

William holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne, a Bachelor of Civil Law (Dist) from the University of Oxford, and a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (University Medal) and a Bachelor of International Studies from Flinders University. He currently teaches Legal Theory at Melbourne Law School. William has also taught Constitutional Law at Deakin University, and Administrative Law and Contracts at the University of Adelaide.

William is a reporter for the Victorian Reports.

He read with David Morgan and his senior mentor is Alistair Pound S.C.

*Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation. The information referred to above has been supplied by the barrister concerned. Neither Victorian Bar Inc nor the barrister's clerk have independently verified the accuracy or completeness of the information and neither accepts any responsibility in that regard.


Commercial Law
Criminal Law
Inquests, Inquiries, Tribunals & Commissions
International Law
Public Law & Administrative Law


William practices primarily in public and commercial law. He has a particular interest in regulatory law, judicial review, migration law, anti-discrimination law, tort and general commercial matters.

William holds a current Australian Government Baseline security clearance.

Before coming to the Bar, William was a lawyer in the Civil Regulation Team at the Australian Government Solicitor, where he worked on a number of complex regulatory investigations and litigation concerning financial services, competition, consumer protection and anti-money laundering laws. Prior to that he was an Associate at Lipman Karas and the Associate to the Hon Justice David Peek KC in the Supreme Court of South Australia.

William holds a PhD from the University of Melbourne, a Bachelor of Civil Law (Dist) from the University of Oxford, and a Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (University Medal) and a Bachelor of International Studies from Flinders University. He currently teaches Legal Theory at Melbourne Law School. William has also taught Constitutional Law at Deakin University, and Administrative Law and Contracts at the University of Adelaide.

William is a reporter for the Victorian Reports.

He read with David Morgan and his senior mentor is Alistair Pound S.C.

*Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation