“Who gets the Gold Bar?” – A look at the complex labyrinth of how the court deals with an Inheritance

Date uploaded:
26 Aug 2021

Robyn Wheeler examines inheritances and how they are treated in Family Courts. With a deeper look into cases including Aleksovski v Aleksovski (1996), from which the infamous “Gold Bar” quote originates, to as recent as the 2021 case Roverati & Roverati and explores the different considerations that influence how ‘the Gold Bar’ is split between parties.  


Robyn Wheeler  is an experienced trial advocate. Her practice involves complex property and children cases, appellate work, and she conducts successful mediations. Prior to being called to the bar Robyn was a partner in a national firm heading the Family Law section. Robyn has a particular interest in Equitable interests and “farming cases” given her background. Robyn’s practice has taken her interstate on circuits, and to a number of other registries of the Family Court and the Federal Circuit Court.


A paper has been released as complementary material and can be downloaded as PDF below. 

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