Defacto Relationships: Threshold issues

Date uploaded:
22 Jun 2013

This video comprises two presentations.
Part 1 presented by Jim Mellas. Download / Print companion paper. Read Jim Mellas' expertise and experience.
On 1 March 2009 the Family Law Amendment (De facto Financial Matters and Other Measures) Act 2008 (“the Act”) made significant changes to the Family Law Act 1975 (Cth) (“the Family Law Act”) in relation to de facto couples. The Act introduced Part VIIIAB into the Family Law Act which gives a Court exercising jurisdiction under the Act power to deal with property and maintenance matters upon the breakdown of a de facto relationship.

Part 2 presented by Belle Lane. Download / Print companion paper. Read Belle Lane's expertise and experience.
There is no end to the complexity of human relationships, and nowhere is this seen more than when trying to establish whether or not people are in a de facto relationship for the purposes of Family Law. This presentation reviews the cases about threshold issues in 2012 and 2013 and what principles can be distilled from them to help identify when a de facto relationship commences.

Other presentations by Belle Lane
Drafting affidavits in Family Law matters (2015) 

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